Ready to reignite your Instagram account?

Ready to reignite your Instagram account?

How many times have you started and stopped this frustrating IG journey? You keep coming back to it because you know it's important and you know it can unlock so many opportunities for you. You have a lot of valuable information you want to share with the world, but you just can’t seem to crack the “IG code.” That’s where we come in.


Enroll Now!

To escape the daily grind, “unstuck” your career, and renew your passion for fitness!

Growing our social media presence has allowed us to completely change the trajectory of our career! We were burnt out, we were trading time for money, and we weren’t sure how much longer we could go about sustaining the grind of early mornings, late nights, and demanding sessions and classes. Because of Instagram, we have so much more freedom and flexibility and a renewed passion for what we do. Our Instagram presence has allowed us to establish multiple successful online businesses, partner with brands we love, and impact people from all around the world.

And you may be surprised to hear that this whole social media thing doesn’t have to take a ton of time each week. With this course you can take our process, avoid the mistakes we made along the way, and accelerate your journey to a life of freedom, possibility, and opportunity!

Ready to join us?

this is your chance...

Instagram gotcha feeling down?!

Instagram gotcha feeling down?!



You spend WAY too long brainstorming, creating, and posting one piece of content, only for it to get just a handful of likes and comments.


You don't have a consistent strategy, so you do a post here, a reel there, a couple stories now and then, but it all feels scattered and random. 


You’ve been feeling frustrated by the algorithm constantly changing and overwhelmed trying to keep up with the newest trends.


You think you're not experienced enough, extroverted enough, or you don't have the "right look" to run a successful fitness Instagram account.


You don’t know where to start, you have no idea what even works on Instagram, and you feel totally overwhelmed!

"I credit Jason and Lauren’s course with single handedly saving my personal training career."

"After running a very successful face to face business for 11 years the pandemic proved a very trying time for someone that didn’t even own a social media account. Their course took me from not even owning a social media account to taking my personal training business fully online within a year. Most importantly this all happened at a time when most trainers businesses did not survive.
Since then I have gone on to use their methods to repeat the success of my first social account with another page that has been even more successful than the first. Their course, methods and training will show you how to create meaningful, engaging content that makes you comfortable you are putting the industry forward and delivering value in order to grow which will allow you to stand out and build a business at a time when others are claiming an over saturation."

— Dan B.

well guess what...

We used to be in your exact same shoes!

We used to fly by the seat of our pants when it came to posting on Instagram. If we woke up and realized we didn’t have a piece of content for that day, we'd sit by our camera trying to come with up a random idea, then shoot that one piece of content, edit that one piece of content, post that one piece of content...and then have to do it all over again the next day. Because we didn't have a strategy, this would take hours every day.

But now, we brainstorm, film, and edit a full week’s worth of content in less than a few hours per week!

Your new complete roadmap to creating content that will expand your presence on Instagram, and open up more doors and possibilities than you could’ve ever imagined.



These two modules set the tone for the entire course, because, In the words of Lauryn Hill, “How you gonna win if you ain’t right within?” Mindset plays such a key role on this journey because it’s a tough one! If it was easy, everyone would have super successful social media accounts. In addition to mindset, we’ll break down all of the branding elements you’ll want to think about like your core values, mission statement, brand “voice,” target demographic, fonts and colors, and more!

In these three modules, we’ll be breaking down our “Core 4” strategy - you’ll learn everything about our go-to foundational pieces of content! We’ll also outline our exact recommendations for camera equipment and apps/software. We provide both a budget-friendly “smartphone package” that costs less than $100 to get started, as well as a “pro package” that will be a bit more pricey depending on the camera you end up purchasing. Lastly, we go over exactly how to brainstorm a week’s worth of content in less than 30 minutes using our Content Generation Matrix.

Here's What You'll Learn

Mindset & Branding

Strategy & Planning



The last two modules talk about scaling strategies and leave you with a plan of attack once you’ve gone through the entire course. We’ll teach you how to partner with brands, respond to comments/DMs, react to negative/hateful comments, and collaborate with other content creators to boost your reach!

Everything In Between!

modules 10-12

Modules six through nine serve as the “meat” of The Fitness Instagram Blueprint. We take you behind the scenes as we film and edit 8 different pieces of content following our Core 4 Strategy. But, we don’t stop there! We actually shot and edited all 8 pieces of content *twice*: once with our smartphone package and once with our pro package. This module will show you just how far smartphone quality has come over the years, and how close you can get to the quality of a more professional set-up as long as you follow our tips and tricks!

Shooting & Editing

modules 6-10


Stop stressing over “what works,” algorithm changes, and the latest trends.

How does this sound?

Be able to brainstorm, shoot, edit, and post a week’s worth of content in less than a few hours per week.



what if you could:

Know exactly what kinds of posts will create the most amount of engagement.


Have a consistent strategy that makes you feel focused and in control.


Feel confident knowing that you can be your authentic self and still be successful on the 'gram!


Yes, I'm in!

When we first started our Instagram page, we couldn't have imagined growing our following from 0 to 650,000 followers in just a few short years. Our expanded social media presence has enabled us to create multiple 6-figure businesses, and most importantly, provided us with the flexibility and freedom to spend more quality time with our family.

Our story

and we want the same for you!

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


A year from now you will have wished you started today...

So let's get you started!

We totally understand because we grew our Instagram following while we owned and operated our own gym. We know you’re probably wondering where you could possibly find the time to curate and create engaging instagram content on top of everything you already do. That's where we come in. We’re here to make it easy for you. To save you time and open up opportunities you're not getting from the daily grind of training sessions and teaching classes.

You’re probably a busy personal trainer who’s tired from early mornings and late nights and doesn’t have hours on end to spend on social media.

You're in the right place.

“I have been waiting for years for this course and it does not dissapoint.”

The practical videos are so easy to follow along and I am already seeing an increase in followers and engagement. Jason and Lauren make the whole process so simple and streamlined. Thank you guys.

Yes, It Really Works

"I love how Jason and Lauren shared every single thing we need to know"

I signed up for the course because I felt so overwhelmed in creating content. I love how Jason and Lauren shared every single thing we need to know about their workflow and I have improved my processes in creating valuable materials for my followers. It's more than just follower growth - it's really that peace of mind knowing that you have a system to fall back to and a Facebook community filled with positive people you can bounce ideas from.

-Aqilah N.

"I have already seen a HUGE improvement in engagement"

I got to spend the last couple of days really going through all of the content in the program and I can finally say that I now feel confident, organized and so well prepared in my social media efforts. Although I am a creative person and never short on ideas of things to post about, I often struggle with keeping it all organized and systemized. I have already seen a HUGE improvement in my engagement in just the two posts I've shared in the last 24 hours using your methodologies. 

But more than that, I have improved my own process and time management. As fellow sole proprietors I know that you understand what it means to be your own CEO, CMO, CFO, CTO, and HR. Your program has been a lifesaver to me and my business in such a short amount of time already and I know that it will continue to be. 

-Maryellen g.

-Glenn S.

Finally have        creating content and renew your passion for what you do!


Getting Out Of Your Own Head

Here's everything you'll find inside the blueprint:

Enroll Now

module one

This module sets the tone for the entire course, and the themes mentioned here are ones that get repeated over and over again. Perseverance and consistency is key when it comes to content creation, and the mindset lessons in this module will help you to develop those qualities.

Personal Branding

module two

Before you start making content, you need to spend some time reflecting first. Who are you? What are your values and what will you stand for? What do you want your audience to remember about you? Gaining clarity with your personal brand is an absolute necessity in order to develop an authentic voice and brand on social media.

The Strategy

module three

Most people don’t have a strategy when it comes to making content. In this module, you’ll learn about the rationale behind our “Core 4” strategy, how we come up with our ideas quickly using the Content Generation Matrix, and how we create our posts in ways that protect our audience’s most valuable asset - their time.

The Gear

module four

Everyone’s favorite topic: what camera do we recommend and what software/apps do we use?! After you take the course, you’ll learn why this is probably the least important part of the course! Nice cameras don’t inherently make for better posts, which is why we offer both a budget-friendly “smartphone” option for those who’d like to get started for less than $100 as well as our priced “pro” option for those who want to go all-in and invest into higher quality gear.

The Art

module five

Location, location, location. This module contains a series of lessons where we take you out “into the field” as we location scout for possible shooting destinations. We provide two examples for shooting your content outdoors and two example for shooting your content indoors so that regardless of your situation, you’ll have your needs covered!

The Creation: Strategy One

module six

The Side by Side Photo Comparison is the first part of our Core 4 strategy. Everyone always thinks they need to create these fancy videos with special graphics and effects, but we’ve found that pictures are these easiest way to start gaining some traction on Instagram. Luckily for you, it’s also the easiest piece of content to create so it’ll be easy to gain momentum right away!

The Comparison Photo

The Creation: Strategy Two

module seven

The back to back video comparison is like a sister post to the side by side photo comparison. If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, then a video must be like…way more than 1,000. Anyway, this is part two of our Core 4 strategy that takes your content to the next level once you’ve found your groove with the side by side photo comparison.

The Comparison video

The Creation: Strategy Three

module eight

The Themed Video Carousel is probably the most popular form of post amongst fitness professionals, and it’s part 3 of our Core 4 strategy. Even though this style of post can seem over-saturated in our industry, there are a number of ways you can stand out from the crowd. Through the use of thumbnails, video introductions, headlines, and graphics, you can hook your viewers and have them excited to keep watching!

The themed video carousel

The Creation: Strategy Four

module nine

The Problem to Solution video carousel is the final part of our Core 4 strategy. It is the most nuanced and complex style of post we make, but is often one of the most impactful. A single one of these types of posts actually netted us over 6,000 followers on its own!

The Problem to Solution Video Carousel

The Creation Bonuses

module ten

Bonuses! Everyone loves a good bonus! Topics like “how to make your pictures POP” to “canva pro tips” to “file and data management” to approaching Reels and Stories are covered here! This is also the section where we plan on adding additional lessons as Instagram rolls out updates and changes.

Posting and Engaging & Scaling Your Brand

module eleven

This module deals with scaling your newfound content creator behavior: how to create meaningful connection with your audience, how to deal with negative comments and haters, collaborations with other accounts, and how to approach brands for partnerships are all covered here!

The Conclusion

module twelve

Action, action, action. We are not going to allow you to just learn about all of this stuff and develop your “shelf esteem." Theory and knowledge are nothing unless you actually put it to action. This lesson breaks down the exact 8 actions you need to take after completing the course!

included: behind the scenes filming and editing using both iPhone and smartphone apps along with pro cameras and professional editing software

As soon as you join, you will receive instant access to all of these modules, plus deep dives, worksheets, and bonuses! We'll also make continuous course updates whenever Instagram rolls out new changes to the platform.

included: behind the scenes filming and editing using both iPhone and smartphone apps along with pro cameras and professional editing software

included: behind the scenes filming and editing using both iPhone and smartphone apps along with pro cameras and professional editing software

included: behind the scenes filming and editing using both iPhone and smartphone apps along with pro cameras and professional editing software

Instagram stories are such a great way to connect with your audience and spark engagement, but they can feel SO awkward at first! We'll give you all our tips and tricks for getting more comfortable on stories, plus ways to make your stories more aesthetically pleasing! 

How To Approach Instagram Stories




You don't have to dance or be a comedian or frantically point to the air in order to create successful reels! Don't worry - if you're a cringe-worthy dancer like us, there are other ways to create genuine and helpful content within the Reels format!

How To Approach Instagram Reels




Text carousel posts are a great way to get information across that would be otherwise challenging to show through images or videos! We'll walk you through how to create a text carousel post in Canva so you can have another tool in your toolbox when it comes to creating content!

Text Carousel Posts




Ever wonder why your pictures seem to come out a little "flat" and "dull?" It's not because you're bad at taking pictures or you don't have the right camera/lens - it's because you don't know that the secret to making an image really "pop" is all in the edit! We'll teach you how to edit photos in Lightroom like a pro!

How To Make Your Pictures POP




This is probably the least “sexy” of all the lessons in the course, but it’s going to be super important as you scale your operation. We often shoot 7-10 pieces of content at a time and we have to make sure that the files are titled appropriately and put in the right folders/sub-folders otherwise we’d be missing files all the time! This bonus lesson gives you a basic framework for how to stay organized when shooting multiple different projects at once!

File & Data Management




How did two people without any prior knowledge of marketing or photography, grow their instagram to over 650,000 followers without using booty shots, fake tans, and photoshop in a world where that’s the norm?!

Instagram can make it seem like you have to ditch your clothing and have 6 pack abs to "make it" as a fitness account, but that's not the case! If you can deliver your expertise in a way that is easily digestible, share-able, and likeable, the sky is the limit. Let us show you how :)


you might be wondering...

The Fitness Instagram Blueprint is the only one of it's kind because...

You'll go away with an actual, proven strategy for what to post and how to create it

Think of this course as a virtual job-shadow where you get to join us behind the scenes as we film, create, and edit pieces of content from our core 4 strategy. Being able to “peek over our shoulders” means you’ll be able to learn all the big rocks and the little details that go into creating content. The way we’ve shot this course is like taking you on a tour inside our minds, so you can see our exact rationale for everything from how we position the tripod, to how we set up the camera, to how we choose a location, to how we make the content come alive during the edit, to how we write a caption and hit post.

Most social media courses give very broad, general advice, and you’re really left to your own devices to try and figure out the details that actually matter through a bunch of trial and error. We want to accelerate that process for you, which is why we wanted to show you every. single. step of the process, so there are no stones left unturned!

We really did leave no stones unturned!

Because we wanted to deliver as much value as possible for as many people as possible, we shot all 8 of our behind-the-scenes example pieces of content twice. Once with our “smartphone”package and once with our "pro" package. We wanted you to see that no matter what your budget is right now, you can create high-quality content for your audience!

Fun fact: even we were surprised at how similar the end results were between the smartphone and pro packages!

this isn't some "influencer" course

We don't expect you to take booty/ab shots or do anything else cringe-y as a cheap way to gain views and engagement. This is a serious content creation course. The tools you’ll learn here are applicable to all platforms now and all platforms in the future because principles like lighting, composition, editing, consumer psychology, and strategy are timeless.

This is your A to Z blueprint towards Instagram mastery!

 From video lessons to concrete action steps to worksheets & Canva templates, and behind the scenes content, there has been nothing as comprehensive and all-inclusive when it comes to fitness Instagram courses!

Try it out for 15 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

money back 


Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

Do I need expensive camera gear to do this course?

No! Our budget-friendly “smartphone package” costs less than $100 - all you need is a tripod, a free subscription to Canva, and our favorite editing app: inShot. In fact, we actually shot the 8 example pieces of content in modules 6-9 with both a pro camera *and* an iPhone so you know exactly what to do regardless of which route you take.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been using a smartphone for a while and I think I’m ready to invest in better equipment. Will this course help with that?

Yes! We’ll give you our recommendations for a pro camera and a lens along with all of the other miscellaneous items like memory cards, batteries, hard drives, etc. so you don’t have to spend any time researching that stuff - instead you can invest that time into actually creating content!

Will this take a ton of time?

We’re going to teach you how to be exceptionally efficient! The biggest time investment will be going through the modules themselves along with your first time creating each post from our Core 4 strategy. However, after that, you’ll be off to the races because our strategy is so repeatable, and you’ll get faster with piece of content you create. With a demanding full-time business to run along with a 3 year old and a newborn at home, we try to make sure our content creation never takes more than 3-4 hours per week and still manage to post every single day!

What if I’m newer to the industry? I feel like I’m not experienced enough to share anything.

Let’s say we condensed everything you need to know about personal training into a single book. You don’t have to write the book. You don’t even have to read the whole book. As long as you are one chapter, one page, one paragraph, or even just one sentence ahead of someone else, you possess valuable knowledge that can and should be shared!

Do I have to be a personal trainer to take this course?

The principles in this course can really be modified to any field. In each of the modules, we speak specifically to “fitness professionals,” which can include personal trainers, physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, nutrition coaches, yoga instructors, and gym owners, but we know that anyone in any given field can take the same concepts and adapt them to their own industry.

What makes this course different from other social media courses?

Most social media courses are from people who tell you how to be successful on social media without actually having been successful on social media themselves. We’ve built our account from the ground up to over 650,000 followers, which means we’re not going to be giving the same old, generic advice that everyone else gives. The devil’s in the details and all of the nuance that we deliver in this course is what will help you stand out from the crowd.

What if I feel like I don’t “look” fit enough?

We personally have never felt comfortable to go with the classic #fitspo route of taking ab/booty shots in an effort to gain more views and followers - nothing wrong with that approach, it just didn’t really fit our brand. That meant that throughout our entire journey, the spotlight was on the information and the content NOT on the way we looked or how “fit” we appeared to be - whatever that means. This really proved to us that we could help to break the mold of this industry that tries to push a certain “look” onto the world and really put the emphasis back on quality information!

shoot US an email

We completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! We're happy to answer any questions you have to help you make sure this course is right for you!

Still on the fence?